Why talking and listening are important for children learning and development?

Stammering Information - The Older School Aged Child

Why talking and listening are important for children learning and development?

By now the child who stammers may have been stammering for some time. Some children may stammer with obvious physical tension. Some may have mild, infrequent non-fluencies such as repetitions and sound prolongations.

To speak fluently children need to know lots of words, know how to put words together (grammar). They need to think of the right word or correct sentence to say what they mean. They also need to listen and understand what others say. They also need to learn which sounds we use in our language and how they go together to form words.

They also need to coordinate the movements for breathing and speaking. These skills change according to how the child feels as well as by the demands placed on him. When the child feels: happy, confident, listened to, sure of the content etc.., then it is easier to speak well. Speaking may be more difficult when a child feels upset or tired. This can also happen if they feel unwell, over-excited or unimportant. Any of these reasons may cause a break in fluency

You are not the cause of your childs stammering but you are the best people to help their talking get easier.