Always nghĩa tiếng việt là gì



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(Định nghĩa của always từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của always


There is always the risk, however much the notion of choice is objectified, that an element of subjectivity remains.

In a nutshell, the state will always react as state to the challenges of globalisation, including the challenge from non-state communities and their laws.

Although the affix is basically a prefix, it is not always left-aligned.

There are always 12 current return posts, but different nozzles have different bolt circle diameters for the posts.

Attitudes toward the latter are not always positive.

Although rural speech is stigmatized, it is not obvious that people who always live in a rural environment ever wish to speak like urbanites.

Accordingly, the book's claims are not always supported by strong evidence.

As is well-known, mental states do not always behave this way.

Still, final say always lies with the law-making legislature.

When we see precedents as examples, we are free to note that scopes are not always specifiable in advance.

In most cases, but not always, the eldest son seems to have been the preferred heir.

Improvements made on the land or buildings always reverted to the mill without any compensation to the colono, regardless of who had paid for them.

As a rational agent, of course, one always has a reason to act on the strength of some reason.

Tariff rates that maximise revenue are not always high, however.

Merchants always assess the worth of others' businesses.

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