Can cerclage be done at 27 weeks?

The efficacy of cerclage to treat cervical incompetence had been a subject of controversy. The majority of studies fail to address the importance of the location of cerclage placement for pregnancy outcomes. The goal of the study is to report clinical outcomes of cervical cerclages in patients with various locations of the stitch placement.

Materials and methods:
Sixty-seven consecutive images of the cervix performed within two weeks of cerclage placements were extracted from sonographic database collected between January 2012 and October 2015. McDonald technique of cervical cerclage was used in all cases. The location of cerclage was divided into three categories: within the vicinity of the internal os (group I), in the middle portion of the cervix (group II), and in the vicinity of the external os or lower third of the cervix (group III). Gestational age at delivery was analyzed in all three groups. The cerclage placement site was identified by echogenic appearances of the stitch on sagittal and transverse images of the cervix. Statistical evaluation was made using SPSS for Windows V 15.0 (SPSS Inc., USA). Data were shown as frequency (percentage) or mean ± standard deviation.

In 26 patients the cerclage stitch was identified in the close vicinity of the internal os in the upper third of the cervix. These cerclages were placed between 11 and 13 weeks in 21 patients, between 14 and 16 in the remaining five.
In 29 patients, cervical cerclage was detected in the middle portion of the cervix. In 23 of those cerclages were placed between 10 and 13 weeks, and between 14 and 17 in the remaining six. One patient had preterm premature rupture of membranes followed by cerclage removal and delivery at 27 weeks of pregnancy. The third group consisted of 12 patients in whom cervical cerclages were detected in the lower third of the cervix in the vicinity of external os. Date on the timing of delivery in all studied groups is reflected in table 1.

Table 1
Timing of delivery *(mean ± SD) in patients with cerclage placed in different parts of the cervix.

 Group I 36 ± 4.2 NS
Group II 35 ± 3.8 NS
Group III 28 ± 4.8 P < 0.05

*Patients who miscarried prior to 24 weeks of gestation were excluded.

It appears that location of the cerclage placement plays an important role in prolongation of pregnancies and should be taken into consideration in future studies.

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Afraid of Weight Gain During Pregnancy?

Let’s face it, body image issues are not uncommon for women, but further compounded for pregnant women. Your body is changing at a fast pace and you might be asking yourself - just how much weight during my pregnancy should I expect?

A cervical stitch (cerclage) is a procedure in which a band of strong thread is stitched around your cervix to reinforce it and help hold it closed.

During a normal pregnancy, the cervix remains firm, long, and closed until late in the third trimester. If the neck of your womb (cervix) is weak, (sometimes known as cervical incompetence), it may make carrying a baby to the end of pregnancy more difficult.

As your pregnancy progresses, your cervix can come under pressure from the weight of your baby, amniotic fluid, and membranes. If your cervix is weak, it may start to shorten (efface) and widen (dilate) too early.

Once you’re past your first trimester, there's a risk that your cervix could start to open from inside your womb (uterus). This may lead to your waters breaking early, causing a late miscarriage, or a very premature birth.

That's why your doctor will suggest treatment to protect your baby. One option is a stitch (cervical cerclage) to keep your cervix closed.

You can have ultrasound scans via your vagina (transvaginal scan) to monitor how well your cervix is holding up. The treatment your doctor offers will depend on your circumstances, and what may have happened in any previous pregnancies.

You'll be offered a stitch in your cervix if:

  • Your waters have broken too early in the past. This is called preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM).
  • Your cervix was damaged during a previous birth. Cervical damage can be caused by pushing before the cervix is fully open (dilated), or if forceps or ventouse weren't used carefully enough.
  • You have a history of three or more late miscarriages, or you have previously had babies who were premature, and cervical weakness is thought to be the cause.

A stitch is usually inserted early on in the second trimester, at around 16 weeks and can be done till about 24 weeks of pregnancy. Later than this, up to 27 weeks plus six days, your doctor can put in a "rescue stitch", if it looks like your cervix is starting to open.

There are several procedures for cerclage. The most common one done in India is the McDonald's operation. The cervical stitch is usually put in place via your vagina (transvaginal cervical cerclage). You won't feel anything as your doctor will use a suitable anaesthetic as needed.

You're likely to be admitted in hospital for a day or two. This will help your doctor monitor your health and recovery after the procedure.

After the operation, you could have cramps and spotting or light bleeding, and a slight fever. These symptoms should settle after a few days.

Your doctor will advise you about two to three days of complete bedrest after the operation, and whether and when it'll be safe to have sex again, should you feel like it.

Contact your doctor straight away if you notice:

  • leakage of fluid from your vagina
  • period-like cramps
  • smelly or unusual vaginal discharge
  • vaginal bleeding that's heavier than light bleeding or spotting
  • your waters breaking

You will have regular appointments with your doctor to check that you are doing well.

Your doctor will remove the stitch when you've reached about 36 weeks to 37 weeks of pregnancy. If your stitch was carried out via your vagina, you won’t need any pain relief, and you may be able to go home a few hours later.

You may go into labour within a day of the stitch being removed. But it may be days or even weeks before contractions start.

If you think you are going into labour before your stitch is removed, you should go straight to your hospital’s emergency unit. Tell the doctor on duty that you have a cervical stitch. Leaving the stitch in place during labour in a normal delivery could cause serious damage to your cervix.

If your waters break early but you are not in labour, the stitch will usually be removed because of a risk of infection. The team looking after you will advise you of the best timing for this to happen.

Having a cervical stitch isn’t right for every woman. Another treatment for a weak cervix is prophylactic vaginal progesterone. High doses of progesterone help to prevent labour from starting too early. You'll have the progesterone as a pessary that's inserted into your vagina.

If you haven't had a previous late miscarriage or premature birth, but a scan shows that your cervix is shortening or opening you'll be offered prophylactic vaginal progesterone.

If a scan shows your cervix is shorter than usual, and you’ve had at least one previous late miscarriage, or premature birth, you may be offered prophylactic vaginal progesterone, or a stitch, or a combination of both.

The reason treatments other than a cervical stitch may be considered is that a stitch isn’t risk-free. It could:

  • cause bleeding or an infection
  • make your contractions start, which could result in miscarriage, or premature labour
  • cause damage to your cervix or bladder, although the risk for this is small
  • rarely, rupture your membranes

Your doctor will discuss the risks with you beforehand, and help you to decide what's the best option in your case.

यह लेख हिंदी में पढ़ें!Read more on:

  • Pregnancy symptoms you shouldn't ignore
  • Placenta praevia: all you need to know
  • Is it a bad idea to change doctors at the end of my pregnancy?

Diane Rai is BabyCenter India's Editor.

How late can you do a cerclage?

When Is It Done? If your doctor recommends a cervical stitch because you've had problems with a previous pregnancy, it should ideally be done 12 to 14 weeks into your pregnancy. If the procedure is done after this time, it's called an emergent cerclage.

What is considered a short cervix at 27 weeks?

A normal cervix is about 25-60 mm long outside of pregnancy and up to 28 weeks of gestation. After 28 weeks, even women destined to deliver at term (37 weeks or later) can begin to develop a short CL (less than 25 mm). A TVU CL ≤25 mm before 28 weeks is abnormal and associated with a high risk of PTB.

What is a normal cervical length at 27 weeks?

Mean cervical length according to the gestational age was 4.52cm during 10−12weeks, 4.04cm during 13−15 weeks, 4.22cm during 16−18 weeks, 3.40cm during 19−21 weeks, 3.21cm during 22−24 weeks, 2.97cm during 25−27 weeks, and 2.38cm during 28−30 weeks of gestation.

Can cerclage be done at 29 weeks?

But the latest twin pregnancy study suggests that in emergency situations, when the cervix is already open, cerclage placement can delay preterm birth by an average of 5.6 weeks. Most of the patients in the study who received an emergency cerclage delivered around 29 weeks, compared to 22 weeks for those who did not.

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