Final fantasy 15 pocket edition review năm 2024

Some of the earliest NX rumors involved Final Fantasy XV coming to the system. The long-in-development RPG finally came out in 2016, and proved to be a fun romp that was expanded upon the months following its launch. Multiple expansions and various tweaks were made to keep Square Enix's crown jewel in the spotlight. At a certain moment though, what are you going to do next? The answer was a slimmed down version that could go and support weaker hardware. This is how the Pocket Edition of Final Fantasy XV pretty much came to be. It was originally on mobile, but found its way to the Nintendo Switch. Was this platform the right choice for the game? Well, sort of.

For a supposed “slimmed down” version, the story is more or less intact. The player takes control of prince Noctis. He leaves his beloved kingdom of Lucis to go on a roadtrip with his three close friends. The ultimate goal is to marry the lovely Lunafreya, who happens to be the princess of a different country. Sadly, things go awry fast as the Niflheim empire strikes and takes over Lucis. Now it is up to Noctis and his friends to save the bloodline, Lunafreya, and the people living in the kingdoms. Final Fantasy XV is a surprisingly modern plot about friendship and trust. The four heroes get constantly challenged to the point where you can really feel their struggles.

The presentation of the story is the big reason why I prefer the Pocket Edition in some respects. The story is here, but it removes the clutter found in the original. Now don't get me wrong: I really enjoyed the story in Final Fantasy XV, but it didn't explain enough initially. The good thing about this retelling is that it has the proper fixes, plus the open world of the initial release is absent, so progression isn’t constantly halted and distracted. I understand why the bigger game was made the way it did, but the lightweight version here is more valuable for its focus.

On the flipside, Pocket Edition doesn't really provide a challenge. Locales are now walled-off levels that allow for little-to-no exploration. A few branching paths can net you additional items, but that’s all that is off the beaten path. The combat, while surprisingly engaging, doesn't really to go too deep either. Mind you, it is quite fun as you can attack and warp-strike your heart's content. There are special prompts for good measure to stop it from growing stale on the go.

Handheld mode is how Pocket Edition became a package I can get behind. Personally I don't think this is great television game. The RPG elements aren't deep enough for it to be one. A progression system is present, but doesn't go much further than the basics. You gain experience and ability points, the latter of which can be used to add more powerful moves and actions. However, since the game never gets that tough, you never really have a good chance to uses these advanced abilities.

To put it bluntly, I only played Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition HD is a weird game to review. While it doesn't exactly fill an RPG-sized hole, it’s still fun to play. The challenge might be lacking, but it is fun going through the motions. It is a game you finish a chapter of, feel satisfied and go play something else. Not too hollow, but also not too engaging. Pocket Edition is perfectly fine handheld mode junk food, which is good enough now and again.

Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition’ Review – In Other Words, Final Fantasy 15

Final fantasy 15 pocket edition review năm 2024
The very existence of Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition (Free) is both weird and fascinating. Final Fantasy 15 is the latest in the classic series of JRPGs. It launched last year on the latest home consoles, and on its face certainly didn’t appear to be a good candidate for a mobile release. Maybe Final Fantasy 8 next for mobile players? Or even Final Fantasy 10? No, Square Enix clearly wanted mobile players to experience the story of the newest game in the series, and found a way to do just that. Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition is Final Fantasy 15… sort of. It’s as though someone had the script and a pretty decent walkthrough of the original game and was told to remake it for mobile devices. Miraculously, it works.

Final fantasy 15 pocket edition review năm 2024

Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition, like the original, follows the story of Noctis, heir to the throne of the kingdom of Lucis. On the eve of peace negotiations between Lucis and the empire of Niflheim, things go terribly awry at home. Fortunately, Noctis and his three friends weren’t home at the time, leaving them free to do what is necessary to save the day. That’s basically the beginning of the story, and in true Final Fantasy fashion it soon goes in completely bizarre and occasionally nonsensical directions. The characters are strong, though, and that makes the moment-to-moment happenings of the plot more engaging than its whole.

Most of the story from the original version has made the cut here. It’s not a one-for-one re-creation, but it hits all of the important points and tells its story as coherently as it can be told. Of course, it’s all done through the filter of the game’s new visual style, which swaps out semi-realistic high-poly models for a stylistic super-deformed low-poly look. You might think that would ruin the drama of some of the darker scenes, but it works surprisingly well overall. I suppose that’s not that surprising, given the series’ roots lay in super-deformed sprites. On the whole, the story flows a lot better in this version of the game thanks to how streamlined certain aspects are.

Final fantasy 15 pocket edition review năm 2024

Let’s talk about that, because it’s really the main story here. Much of the buzz of Final Fantasy 15 was focused around the massive open world that made up the first half or so of the game. You could drive around with your buddies, get in random fights, stumble on and solve side-quests that had nothing to do with anything in particular, and jam out to tunes in your car as you drove around. The same can’t be said for the Pocket Edition, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a good or bad thing. The size of the world has been greatly reduced, and the flow of quests, mini-games, and sub activities have been reduced in scope to go with that. It hurts the game as a vehicle for goofing around, but it makes for a far tighter, more focused game all around. There’s still plenty to do, but you won’t (and to an extent can’t) waste as much time doing it.

The combat has also been changed from the console version. It’s still very much action-based, but instead of the original game’s ground-level view that felt like it fell somewhere between Kingdom Hearts and a proper console action game, Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition gives you a different angle and a system that works better with touch controls. Battles play out from an overhead position, allowing you to get a clear view of your characters, the monsters, and the area around you. You only have to worry about controlling Noctis, with the rest of your companions controlled by the computer in most respects.

Final fantasy 15 pocket edition review năm 2024

Basic attacking is easy, as you simply need to point Noctis at a foe and he’ll start auto-attacking. Timed taps allow you to parry, use special attacks, dodge, and perform warp strikes. It’s a lot easier to play than the original version, but still turns up the challenge nicely when the bosses show up. Beating up monsters will earn you AP that you can use to unlock new abilities, combos, and stat increases for each of your characters in a simplified version of the original game’s Ascension Grid. While it’s not completely free-form the way some Final Fantasy character systems are, it does give you a certain degree of customizability that lets you shape your party as you see fit.

As far as the production values go, Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition is pretty amazing. How one feels about the new art direction is a subjective thing and the game environments have lost a lot of their luster now that the game isn’t really about exploration. At the same time, it’s incredible just how much of the original game’s atmosphere was preserved here. Certainly it doesn’t hurt that the voice acting, sound effects, and music were carried over more or less directly from the original version. But visually, it manages to convey its themes and feelings even with its hard shift in style. If the original Final Fantasy 15 didn’t exist, I think this version of the game would do just as good of a job in showing off its characters and plot.

But how much does it cost? Well, the game is divided into ten chapters. The first is free and does a decent job of letting the player know what they can expect from the full game. The next two chapters are available for $0.99 each via IAPs, while the remaining chapters sell for $3.99 each. If you want to just buy it all in one go, it will cost you $19.99. Essentially, it’s not far off from the model that Square Enix used for the original Final Fantasy Dimensions (Free). It’s not out of line with what Square Enix usually charges for their premium efforts on mobile, and I feel like it justifies that price and then some.

I think the really impressive thing about Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition is that whether you’ve played the original game or not, you’ll probably find a lot to love here. For fans of the console game, this is a quicker, abridged take on the story and characters you came to love. It’s different enough to justify an additional playthrough, but similar enough that it doesn’t lose what the console version was going for. If you’re new to the game, you’ll find a grand Final Fantasy adventure that feels tailor-made for mobile in all the right ways. It’s enjoyable to play, the pace is excellent, and even if the story gets a little iffy in places, it’s hard not to fall in love with the main cast. I still can’t believe this worked, but it did, and it did so in fantastic fashion.

Final fantasy 15 pocket edition review năm 2024


Explore the world of the fifteenth FINAL FANTASY in the palm of your hand FINAL FANTASY XV is now playable on your smar…

Is Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition worth it?

Latest Critic Reviews It's not without its shortcomings, and, despite the commendable depth, battles soon descend into repetition. But, all in all, it can still charm and entertain. Is Pocket Edition HD worth it? Yes, it is since it tells the exact same story with greater efficiency.

Is Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition the full game?

Content and gameplay It acts as an abridged version of the original, preserving its storyline while adjusting the gameplay for its new platforms and streamlining progression. It also drops the original's open world and several of its side quests.

How long to beat Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition?

When focusing on the main objectives, Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition is about 16 Hours in length.

Is Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition turn based?

The turn-based combat system was replacement with real-time combat and the game focused more on reaching a wider (western) audience rather than cater to the hardcore fanbase. Changes that were met with mixed, yet mostly positive reviews.