Hada Labo hydrating lotion Review Reddit

[[No pictures, sadly, as I am very camera shy, but hopefully this review contains enough information for you guys!]]

Skin Type: Dry. So very dry. I also have some PIE on my chin.



Stratia Velvet Cleansing Milk

Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium

Stratia Fortify mixed with E45 Intense Recovery Body Lotion (I am looking to substitute the Lotion for something else)

Skin Aqua Super Moisture Milk


Garnier's Micellar Water

Stratia Velvet Cleansing Milk

Stratia Soft Touch AHA Mon/Wed/Fri

Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium

Stratia Fortify

Stratia Liquid Gold

If I feel my skin needs it, I'll apply a thin layer of Nivea Creme

Okay, let's talk about Hada Labo.

It's supposedly marketed as a toner, but I prefer to think of it as a serum, as that is what the consistency is like. I use quite a bit as my skin needs it.

I normally apply it to damp skin after cleansing, but on Mon/Wed/Fri after using my AHA, I apply it onto dry skin after letting my AHA soak in etc.

The major difference in my skin is my PIE marks. They used to be very obvious, and no amount of moisturising would make them go away. After just one week of daily application of Hada Labo, I saw a huge difference in their appearance. They appeared less red, less obvious, and actually seemed to have faded a little.

Hada Labo gives my skin a much needed boost, as I felt like my skin wasn't quite hydrated enough during the day. But this is wonderful, and despite four weeks of x2 daily usage, I'm just under halfway through the bottle now.

Definitely a repurchase, especially as it's so cheap to get the refills from Dokodemo!

I’ve tried all three versions from the gokujyun line: light, moist, and premium. I personally haven’t tried their other lines, like shirojyun or alpha. I live in a hot, humid climate and have oily skin.

Light: This is my personal HG. I follow the “thin to thick” rule when layering my products, but I’m also a little anal about using things in the “right” order (toner, then essence, then serum, then ampoule, etc.). The light version is very watery with just a hint of viscosity, so it packs a hydration punch without being thicker than my other products that come after. It’s slightly less hydrating than the other versions, but just by a little. Since I’m so oily I’m okay with sacrificing a tiny bit of hydration in the name of a texture and finish I like more.

Moist: This is usually the version I recommend to other people when they ask “what’s your favorite hydrating product?”. It packs in some serious hydration, and is much thicker than the light version. It takes a little while longer to soak in, but it’s well worth the wait time. IMO it’s the best version to start with—it’s like Goldilocks where it’s not too thin, not too thick, but just right. If you start with it you can decide whether you want thinner or thicker (or if it’s perfect as is).

Premium: This is easily their thickest, richest version and also contains urea IIRC. A lot of dry skinned people say this is the best version for them. For me personally, it was far too rich and broke me out. I’m a little sad about it, but also not surprised given how oily I am.

All of the above should be applied to damp skin, so you can either skip toweling off after cleansing, or mist your face with water right before application. None of them have a sticky or unpleasant finish. It’s definitely a staple product for me, I’ve tried to replace it several times with other HA toners and none have come close!

Hada Labo hydrating lotion Review Reddit

level 1

Oh wow, I had no idea there was a blemish control one. I need that.

I want to thank Simple Skincare Science for introducing me to Hado Labo, esp the yellow Premium bottle of HA lotion. LOOOOOOV

I'm trying the blue Premium lotion that supposedly has transexamic acid in it. Using it to see if it will fade my melasma and brown spots. So far, nothing, but i've only had it a few weeks.

level 2

I'm hoping you'll leave a review in the sub after you've had more time to test -- I love HL products, but feel like some of the less common ones don't get the write-ups in here I'd hope for!

level 1

Thank you for this! I was in Japan and picked up one of these solely on the basis that it was Hada Labo but I had no idea what I got. This was super helpful!

level 1

Woah!! Saving this for future reference!! The ‘easy’ master list! Thanks for sharing :)

level 2

Haha, yes it is. Had to share. I haven't seen it broken down quite like this before.

level 1

The red one is a really good alternative to PC Barrier Repair w/Retinol - if you have stubborn cc, the alpha milk might help. My sis had very clear skin except for a few clogged pores on the side cheeks (probably sleeps on her side) and the Hada Labo Alpha cleared it up quickly and gently.

level 2

Really now...? Intriguing....

discretely rubs permanently bumpy spots on jaw line

On a serious note, I am a person with very sensitive and dry skin, and the word "retinol" makes me concerned. Since it's in a Hada Labo lotion/toner, does that mean the very drying effect of the retinol is cancelled out or at least lessened?

level 2

I use the red one with retinol at night. It is very , very gentle. And I suspect it is a very low retinol %.

I use it in addition to The Ordinary’s 1% retinol in squalane and I’ve seen no ill-effects when I added it to my routine, even though you’re not supposed to use more than 1 retinol product.

level 1

Loved the information in the article, but damn, that writing style was infuriating. It was exactly like those clickbait articles you see pop up on Google when googling an obscure comparison that take 3/4 of the article to get to the point!

level 2

Hey, I'm the author of this article and I'm sorry you didn't like my writing style. It's true that I have a tendency to be very, very detailed in my articles and I don't really get to the point super quickly 😅 But it's because I want to add as much information as possible, no other reasons, I promise! Also, English is not my primary language, I'm French and I'm usually translating my posts from French to English so maybe that's why, IDK Anyway, sorry you felt that way about this article.

level 2

I felt the same way. I questioned if it was a legit article, but finished reading it.

level 2

clickbait articles

I read the article, in it defense I don't think it's "click bait" but it is long-winded. There is a lot of background story, introduction etc... I would think would be very helpful for an unfamiliar audience. I know most of my girlfriends use skincare but has no idea what hyaluronic acid is. Out of 10, only 1 of them know. The rest always ask me what brand or specific product I use where I try to explain that it's dependent on their skin type, etc.

level 1

I’ve using Shiro Jyun Premium version for about a year, didn’t really notice any changes on my acne scars. But I’ll keep using anyway because it’s sooo hydrating!

level 2

I would highly recommend that you switch to gyko jyun premium. It's fab!

level 1

Did anyone happen to get some highlights of this? The website isn’t working for me :(

level 1

Anyone live in US who have gotten these products? If so, where did you buy them?

level 2

These are really popular in Chinese, Japanese or Korean etc, grocery stores and stock/availability varies but it doesn’t hurt to check it out and the prices are reasonable ;)