Ideal protein weight loss program reviews năm 2024

Thank you for the awesome makeover by the Capello Salon. It was a beautiful gift in recognition of completion of the Ideal Protein program.

I am so grateful that I began this program on January 15, 2019 and plan to maintain through life via the “maintenance program.” It is difficult to relay in a single note how wonderfully healthy and good that I feel.

Never do I intend to go back to the unhealthy person I was.

The only way that I could have ever stayed on program is that I was never hungry or felt the desire to cheat. Never once did I ever cheat or veer from program and it paid off – 51# off for good.

Someday, I hope our paths will cross and I can thank you personally. Until then, I will be your biggest ambassador and tell everyone just how great Ideal You served me.

Thank you,

Kathleen H. from Lackawanna

Ideal protein weight loss program reviews năm 2024

Addam Lost:

25.6 pounds and 23 inches

I firmly believe “The Ideal You” program helped to save my life!

You have heard many reasons and stories about losing weight, but you have not heard mine. I had been fighting Type 2 Diabetes for years and knew that my FLD, a.k.a. Fatty Liver Disease, high cholesterol and hypertension were all contributing to my health issues. I also knew that circulatory and thyroid issues could develop because of my weight, my diabetes and my poor diet.

I was looking for a way to lose weight. I knew I was out of shape, fat, and I could not keep going. Mowing my lawn had become a difficult task to complete. Some of the people at work smoked more than I, some were older than I, and I was being outworked. As a sporadic smoker for 35 years, I never hit the pack-a-day smoker threshold, just an occasional smoke. I quit cold turkey.

A few co-workers were talking about weight-loss one day. They were talking about what their wives were doing and that they were going to do it too. I saw their results. They looked better, worked more and were not getting as tired. Men were losing weight and weren’t ashamed to admit they were on a diet program? This wasn’t real! Finally, I made the decision to lose weight because my co-workers told me how simple “The Ideal You” program was. “It’s good, they said, especially for us guys.” So, I went to an Open House at The Ideal You. I listened and heard so much that was relevant to me. It was time to sink or swim.

In just a few months, I lost the first 35 of my 40-pound goal. With just losing 35 pounds, my cholesterol came down from the high 200’s to the low 200’s! My A1-C dropped from a high of 12.5 to 6.6, a number I had not been able to achieve in 10 years!

The weight loss was steady and things were going well on the program. I noticed the activity levels for the other co-workers had improved, but not mine. Was it a combination of allergies, dust, smoking or the heat that made it difficult for me to breath? I was already about 35 pounds lighter, but what was happening? Then the phone call came. Everything in my world came to a halt. I was advised by my doctors that the weight loss was good and it helped me, but testing revealed I had heart disease. An angiogram confirmed my candidacy for bypass surgery.

I was on the table undergoing quadruple bypass as a mandatory elective surgery. This wasn’t the result of a heart attack, but necessary because of multiple blockages. After surgery, I was up and walking within a week. My blood pressure improved with no signs on hypertension. Since discharge, my walking distance increased to 2 miles with ease with no fatigue. One month after surgery, I was out in the woods for opening day of deer season!

I firmly believe that “The Ideal You” Weight Loss Program helped to save my life!

Addam H. from Cheektowaga

Ideal protein weight loss program reviews năm 2024

Colleen Lost:

134 pounds and 82 inches

My name is Colleen. In 10 months, I lost 134 pounds and 82 inches.

My husband’s Orthopaedic Surgeon recommended we try a diet at The Ideal You Weight Loss Center, if we were serious about losing weight. He said it was a great program and that it would be the last diet we would ever need (like we hadn’t heard that before)!

In February 2014, we attended an Open House at The Ideal You Weight Loss Center in Clarence to hear what the program was all about. That open house changed my life.

At that time, my joints hurt, my clothes didn’t fit and all I wanted to wear were sweat pants. I was short of breath doing minimal exercise, like my job, as a nurse! I had high cholesterol, high blood pressure – I had HAD ENOUGH! I listened, I signed up.

On March 6, 2014, I started my weight loss journey weighing 294 pounds. Now, 10 months later, I weigh 160 pounds, I wear a size 10 and only wear sweats at the gym. I feel great! I no longer have joint pain, I have energy I haven’t had in 30 years and I am off my Cholesterol and Blood Pressure meds!

The diet was easy to follow. There was a great variety of foods and recipes. What helped to stay with the program and stay motivated was the weight loss I saw each week along with the inches coming off. I’m talking 2-5 pounds per week, not just a half a pound here and there!

Did my husband every lose weight? Initially, he didn’t think the diet was for him, but as he saw how great I was doing and how fantastic I felt, he started at The Ideal You just before Memorial Day 2014 and by Labor Day 2014 he reached his “ideal weight!”

We both feel fantastic. We are back to riding bikes, kayaking, and this winter we are going skiing again.

This was our last diet. The results you’ll see will keep you going and the way you’ll feel will keep you there. Thank you to The Ideal You Weight Loss Center! *

Colleen R. from Amherst

Ideal protein weight loss program reviews năm 2024

Heather Lost:

73 pounds & 63.5 inches

Ideal protein weight loss program reviews năm 2024

Dear Donna,

I hope this email finds you well!

I just wanted to, scratch that, HAD TO drop you a quick note regarding my weight loss journey thus far and to thank you.

There is no greater motivator than your Susie as I am sure you must know. I, like so many others, hit rock bottom weighing in at a whopping 223 pounds just 17 weeks ago. I am happy to say that with her love, support, and superb knowledge, I have lost 49.2 pounds and am loving my life again. Not only am I more comfortable in my own skin, I have learned so many things I had forgotten about myself. I was so obsessed with how unhappy I was with my weight, I forgot who I was. Each week Susie welcomed me with open arms and an open heart. She has taught me how strong I am and how to love myself again.

This past weekend, I asked my kiddos to bring me a pair of pants from my bedroom. They brought down a pair of “pre-diet” pants. I put them on and it hit me how much weight I truly lost, but more importantly, how much self-hatred I lost.

My 9 year old and 13 year old laughed and laughed at how crazy the pants looked on me. It occurred to me that my daughter weighs close to what I had lost- so in she went! Yes, I slid her right into the extra space of my pants! It was at that very moment that I had to stop and give thanks.

Thank you to you for bringing Ideal You to us, and to Susie for helping me love myself again!

While my journey continues, I would be remiss if I didn’t stop and reflect.

I’m sure you already know how valuable Susie is to The Ideal You, but please know we think the world of her.

My husband has lost close to 90 pounds in a little shorter time period than I. We are both better spouses and parents because of Ideal You.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!*

Heather R. from West Seneca

Ideal protein weight loss program reviews năm 2024

Until family members pointed it out to me, I honestly did not know I was so out of shape. I started my weight loss journey when I realized my poor physical health and mental health were viciously affecting each other and spiraling downwards.

When I was told about the Ideal Protein diet, I was skeptical since I could not imagine limiting the variety and quantity of my food intake. In particular, “carbs” were my addiction and source of comfort, and I worried that I would fail because I’d be craving them. However, with the support of loved ones and Donna, I gave the diet a try.

The first week was tough since my body was going through withdrawal. However, by the second week, things were much better, and I began to feel changes in my energy level, mood, and mental alertness, which have continued to this day.

Since the beginning, I have been enjoying the food and feel satisfied after consuming it. I no longer have those uncontrollable cravings for sugar. I surprisingly have found the protocol to be very compatible with my lifestyle. It’s easy to take on the go or eat at home. In addition, I enjoy eating my lean protein at dinner with my family.

In 5 months (and over the holidays!) I have lost approximately 70lbs and over 48 inches, and I’m still going strong! I still have a ways to go before I reach my goal, but I know that with Donna’s invaluable support as well as the support of my loved ones, I will get there soon.

I highly recommend The Ideal You Weight Loss Center for anyone who wants to feel better about themselves, both internally and externally.*

Is Ideal Protein a good way to lose weight?

potential Benefits of the Ideal Protein Diet A recent 2022 study that involved 192 people with obesity found that those who followed the Ideal Protein Diet lost 17.8 pounds (8.1 kg) more than those who followed a low calorie/low fat diet over a period of three months.

How much weight can you lose in a month on Ideal Protein?

Typical results vary up to 6 and 8 pounds lost during the first two weeks and up to 2 pounds per week thereafter when the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol is followed properly.

Why am I not losing weight on Ideal Protein?

Make Sure You are Not Over or Undereating The calorific deficit is at the core of losing weight and Ideal Protein does it by restricting simple and complex carbs and fats in your diet. Many carbohydrate-based meals and snacks are substituted with low-carb, high-quality protein-rich foods.

What are the side effects of the Ideal Protein diet?

Symptoms may include headaches, mild nausea, fatigue, and hunger. These typically subside within the first few days of the protocol and are not cause for serious concern. Why is exercise not encouraged for Ideal Protein dieters? Exercise is important for our long-term health and weight maintenance.