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Let it also be recognised that these same Polish protesters are guests in this country, enjoying the freedom, hospitality and resources provided by the indigenous population, so a few words of thanks would not go amiss.

A bit of wizardry on the pitch would not go amiss as the Christmas spirit begins to take shape.

It's a solid album, no mistake, but a few more memorable melodies like Don't Believe In Love, wouldn't go amiss. ***

"If an analyst needs to monitor a company every three months, it indicates that something can go amiss with the company at any time."

To love means to put someone or something before oneself, to rise above the pettiness of the ego, and in that we can never go amiss. Ken Kiff shows a very bleak world indeed.

I have lost count over the years of the number of times I have gone into one of our pubs and asked for a gin and tonic only to be asked: "Do you want ice with that?" Er, yes, please, and a slice of lime wouldn't go amiss either.

Wayne Rooney is struggling for his best form and a bit of competition would not go amiss for the frontman role - like a marquee signing.

I realise we can't return to the days of the old conductoress putting the chain across and shouting "Wait your turn" but a modicum of civility wouldn't go amiss.

Mila also looks dark under the eyes, so some Touche Eclat wouldn't go amiss. The rest is down to good shading with a highlighter and a blusher.

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