Stop iTunes from opening automatically Windows 7


  • 1 How to prevent iTunes from opening automatically
  • 2 How to make iTunes does not open Windows only
Stop iTunes from opening automatically Windows 7
Stop iTunes from opening automatically Windows 7

iTunes automatically opens on your computer? Is not it convenient? Then nothing better than learning how to disable or prevent iTunes from opening automatically in Windows with this simple tutorial you can do in Windows 10, 8 and 7.

Getting iTunes does not open only in Windows is not a complicated task. We can not deny that if we have iPhone, have iTunes is something very comfortable not only for set up in iTunes playback continuous music or keep everything related to the multimedia organized, calling songs with stars using Half stars.

But also if you prefer can change the information of the names of songs and albums .

but also to restore your phone, backup, etc. In a nutshell is a very useful program. However, if youre not using it too, that opens only on your computer, its probably not something that will be very comfortable to say.

That is why we will see a little below how to prevent iTunes is open only on Windows a method as simple as that, you can serve to prevent any program open automatically when inicias Windows. Something that no doubt will end up impacting the startup speed of the operating system positively.

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Stop iTunes from opening automatically Windows 7
Stop iTunes from opening automatically Windows 7

How to prevent iTunes from opening automatically

Not for nothing complicated to disable iTunes from opening automatically in Windows. Lets see the process that we follow to avoid below:

  • First we will have to go to the « Task Manager » for this we can right-click on the bottom bar of Windows, then click « Task Manager «. Another option is to press Ctrl + Alt + Sup and choose « Task Manager «.
  • Once we are here we will have to go to the tabs located at the top and look that says «Start».
  • Among all the apps we can visualize, we are looking for is the one that says «iTunesHelper» will right click on it.
  • Now what we will do is to press on the «Disable» or «Disable».
  • Do not worry you can still use iTunes as usual. All we have done is to prevent it from opening automatically. Whenever we open ourselves, it will normally.
  • The tutorial above is suitable for Windows 10 and Windows 8. However, if you are using W7 then the procedure changes a little. Although it is not so complicated.
  • What you need to do is press the Windows + R will open a small window where you have to write «msconfig» and then press enter.
  • What this will do is open the system configuration. Here you will have to look for the «startup» tab and then on that tab search «iTunesHelper» to disable it.

Stop iTunes from opening automatically Windows 7
Stop iTunes from opening automatically Windows 7

How to make iTunes does not open Windows only

One thing to clarify is that the off iTunesHelper does not really affect anything more than the automatic start of it. the auto sync or anything like that does not stop.

So you do not have to worry about it. Simply affects autostart of it. Also, any time you repeat the steps and you will see that envés appearing option «Disable» will see an option that says «Activate» instead.

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As you can see disable or prevent iTunes from opening automatically in Windows is a very simple process that can get quickly. But if you still remain some kind of doubt, you can leave it in the comment box you can find a little more down and try to help in any way possible.

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