Sự khác nhau giữa check và inspection

inspect | check |

As verbs the difference between inspect and check

is that inspect is to examine critically or carefully; especially, to search out problems or determine condition; to scrutinize while check is to inspect; to examine.

As a noun check is

an inspection or examination or check can be (textiles|usually|pluralized) a pattern made up of a grid of squares of alternating colors; a checkered pattern.

(en verb)

  • To examine critically or carefully; especially, to search out problems or determine condition; to scrutinize.
  • To view and examine officially.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1963, author=(Margery Allingham), title=(The China Governess)
  • , chapter=6 citation , passage=‘[…] I remember a lady coming to inspect St. Mary's Home where I was brought up and seeing us all in our lovely Elizabethan uniforms we were so proud of, and bursting into tears all over us because “it was wicked to dress us like charity children”. […]’.}}

    From (etyl) eschec, from . All English senses developed from the chess sense.

    (en noun)

  • (chess) A situation in which the king is directly threatened by an opposing piece.
  • An inspection or examination.
  • I don't know if she will be there, but it's worth a check .
  • A control; a limit or stop.
  • checks and balances The castle moat should hold the enemy in check .
  • * Addison
  • a remarkable check to the first progress of Christianity
  • (US) A mark (especially a checkmark: ) used as an indicator, equivalent to a tick (UK) .
  • Place a check by the things you have done.
  • (US) An order to a bank to pay money to a named person or entity; a cheque (UK, Canada) .
  • I was not carrying cash, so I wrote a check for the amount.
  • (US) A bill, particularly in a restaurant.
  • I summoned the waiter, paid the check , and hurried to leave.
  • A maneuver performed by a player to take another player out of the play.
  • The hockey player gave a good hard check to obtain the puck.
  • A token used instead of cash in gaming machines.
  • * 1963 , American law reports annotated: second series (volume 89)
  • A lengthwise separation through the growth rings in wood.
  • A mark, certificate, or token, by which, errors may be prevented, or a thing or person may be identified.
  • a check''' given for baggage; a return '''check on a railroad
  • (falconry) The forsaking by a hawk of its proper game to follow other birds.
  • A small chink or crack.
  • * (note of monetary transfer) cheque * (indicator mark) tick (UK), checkmark, * (bill of sale) cheque (Canada)

    (en verb)

  • To inspect; to examine.
  • Check the oil in your car once a month. Check whether this page has a watermark.
  • To mark with a checkmark.
  • Check the correct answer to each question.
  • To control, limit, or halt.
  • Check your enthusiasm during a negotiation.
  • * Burke
  • so many clogs to check and retard the headlong course of violence and oppression
  • * 1922 , (James Joyce), Chapter 13
  • She was about to retort but something checked the words on her tongue.
  • To verify or compare with a source of information.
  • Check your data against known values.
  • To leave in safekeeping.
  • Check your hat and coat at the door.
  • To leave with a shipping agent for shipping.
  • Check your bags at the ticket counter before the flight.
  • To pass or bounce the ball to an opponent from behind the three-point line and have the opponent pass or bounce it back to start play.
  • He checked the ball and then proceeded to perform a perfect layup. That basket doesn't count—you forgot to check !
  • To physically remove a person from play.
  • The hockey player checked the defenceman to obtain the puck .
  • (poker) To remain in a hand without betting. Only legal if no one has yet bet.
  • Tom didn't think he could win, so he checked .
  • (chess) To make a move which puts an adversary's piece, especially the king, in check; to put in check.
  • To chide, rebuke, or reprove.
  • * Shakespeare
  • The good king, his master, will check him for it.
  • (nautical) To slack or ease off, as a brace which is too stiffly extended.
  • To crack or gape open, as wood in drying; or to crack in small checks, as varnish, paint, etc.
  • To make checks or chinks in; to cause to crack.
  • The sun checks timber.
  • To make a stop; to pause; with at .
  • * John Locke
  • The mind, once jaded by an attempt above its power, either is disabled for the future, or else checks at any vigorous undertaking ever after.
  • (obsolete) To clash or interfere.
  • (Francis Bacon)
  • To act as a curb or restraint.
  • * Dryden
  • It [his presence] checks too strong upon me.
  • (falconry) To turn, when in pursuit of proper game, and fly after other birds.
  • * Shakespeare
  • And like the haggard, check at every feather / That comes before his eye.

    * check in * check into * check out * check over * check through * check up

    * bad check * bed check * body check * bounce a check * cashier's check * check against * checkbook * check casher * checker * checkers * checkered * checking * checking account * check in * check into * checking account * check is in the mail * check a person out * check it out * checklist * checkmate * checkout * check out * check over * checkup * check up on * check valve * checks and balances * counter check * cross-check * discovered check * double check * double-check * hot check * kite a check * put in check * rain check * reality check * recheck * revealed check * shoulder check * stick check * teller's check * traveler's check * unch * unchecked

    By shortening from checker, from (etyl) scaccarium, ultimately from the same Persian root as above.

    (en noun)

  • (textiles, usually, pluralized) A pattern made up of a grid of squares of alternating colors; a checkered pattern.
  • The tablecloth had red and white check s.

    * * 'Check' at EtymOnline English terms derived from Persian ----

    • Thứ nhất, examine nhấn mạnh đến việc kiểm tra, xem xét hoặc nghiên cứu vấn đề một cách kỹ lưỡng và cẩn thận để tìm ra nguyên nhân. Xét về nghĩa này, examine khác biệt với test (nhằm lấy thông tin) và check (kiểm tra lại thông tin, không đảm bảo kỹ lưỡng như examine).
    • Thứ hai, examine giống với test ở chỗ: 2 từ này đều mang nghĩa kiểm tra trình độ kiến thức hay xét nghiệm tình trạng sức khỏe của ai đó. Trong khi đó, các từ như check, inspect, overhaul, control, investigate hoàn toàn không mang nghĩa này.
    • Thứ ba, mặc dù 2 từ examinetest đều mang nghĩa kiểm tra trình độ kiến thức. Tuy nhiên, examine được dùng khi chúng ta muốn đánh giá trong một khoảng thời gian dài. Trong khi đó, test chỉ được dùng để đánh giá kiến thức của người nào đó trong thời gian ngắn. Chẳng hạn, chúng ta có bài kiểm tra 15’, 30’ thì được gọi là test. Còn khi nhắc đến các kỳ thi cuối kỳ, thi vào đại học, tốt nghiệp thì ta dùng examination/exam (2 danh từ của examine).

    Ngoài ra, một sự khác nhau nữa khi đề cập đến examination/exam test mục đích của các bài kiểm tra. Examination/exam thường để chỉ các kỳ thi, kiểm tra về kiến thức (ví dụ: maths exams, physics exams, university entrance exams,…). Test được dùng để chỉ số lượng các câu hỏi, bài tập, công việc… dùng để đo kỹ năng, sự thông minh, sự hiểu biết của ai đó về 1 lĩnh vực cụ thể (ví dụ: a driving test, an eye test, an IQ test,…).

    • Thứ tư, examineinspect khác nhau về đối tượng thực hiện hành động. Examine thường được dùng để chỉ hành động kiêm tra từ một người chuyên nghiệp như doctors (bác sĩ), specialists (chuyên gia), scientists (nhà khoa học),… Trong khi đó, inspect được dùng với đối tượng là viên chức, công chức như Tourist Board (Uỷ ban Du lịch), officials (viên chức),…

    Ví dụ :

    Scientists are examining the impact of global warming on climates. (Các nhà khoa học đang kiểm tra tác động của sự nóng lên toàn cầu đến khí hậu).

    The Tourist Board inspects all recommended hotels at least once a year. (Uỷ ban Du lịch thanh tra những khách sạn được giới thiệu ít nhất mỗi năm một lần).

    • Thứ năm, examine còn có nghĩa là tra hỏi, thẩm vấn các nhân chứng, nguyên đơn, bị đơn trước tòa án. Các từ check, test, inspect, overhaul, control, investigate hoàn toàn không mang nghĩa này.

    Source: //chickgolden.com
    Category: Hỏi đáp

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