This training method includes business games and simulations, case studies, and role playing

One of the more recent yet effective methods of business training is gamification. By providing learning games to your employees, you can teach them the skills you want them to develop in a fun and less stressful environment. Compared to the conventional training practices, games enjoy a higher level of engagement and you can communicate more information to the learners in a shorter time period. However, it is important that you are aware of the different types of business training games before you invest in one to make sure you are making the right decision for your employers.  

It is no secret that learners are able to retain information better if they are interested in the medium of learning and are motivated to learn. Games address both these common issues, ensuring you can train your employees in a more engaging manner. That being said, you do have to make sure the content of the games, i.e. the learning material, and the actual game play are conducive to generating and retaining user interest. This is why it is crucial that business training games are developed keeping the end user in mind.

As compared to the conventional means of eLearning, which usually involve quizzes and training sessions, games are more exciting. In fact, even games which are slightly difficult to master capture the interest of the learners. The key to making this work is making the game great to look at and at the same time ensuring a high level of interactivity. The numbers back the theory that business training games deliver the results you are hoping for. For one, the learners are over 10% more likely to retain the factual information communicated to them through games as compared to other mediums.

Plus, they have a 10% greater chance of actually remembering what they learn and retaining it for a long time if they played training games. As far as skill-based learning goes, the improvement will be close to 15%. So, it is clear that business training games are highly effective for training employees and helping them develop new skills. However, as mentioned above, it is crucial that you select the right type of game for the learners. Here’s a look at 3 types of business training games that you can choose from:

To create a happy, productive workforce, training managers must provide opportunities for further training and growth. Unfortunately, too many employees or management dismiss training as boring or unnecessary. And, let’s face it, employee training can be boring, but only when the wrong types of training are matched up with the topic or issue you’re tackling. Matching the types of employee training to your employee needs can ensure they receive the information they need, in the format best suited for it.

The best types of employee training methods for your workforce may include:

  1. Instructor-led training
  2. eLearning
  3. Simulation employee training
  4. Hands-on training
  5. Coaching or mentoring
  6. Lectures
  7. Group discussion and activities
  8. Role-playing
  9. Management-specific activities
  10. Case studies or other required reading

We discuss the ideal situations for these types of training for employees, along with their respective challenges below.

1. Instructor-led training

Instructor-led training is the traditional type of employee training that occurs in a classroom, with a teacher presenting the material. This can be a highly effective method of employee training, especially for complex topics. Instructors can answer specific employee questions or direct them to further resources. They also allow for highly-skilled instructors to match the training level and style to the employees in the room.

However, instructor-led training does have some drawbacks, including cost and time to implement. It can also be unnecessary for concise topics. We discuss more about this in our post, “Instructor-Led Training Vs. eLearning.”.

2. eLearning

eLearning, on the other hand, relies on online videos, tests, and courses to deliver employee training. Employees can do their training right in the palm of their hand with a smartphone or on their company computers.

It’s one of the easiest types of employee training to roll out to larger populations, especially for employees who are remote or have high-turnover rates. With interactive games, tests, videos, activities, or even gamified components, it can also go a long way towards keeping your employees engaged with the training.

Of course, eLearning also has its own challenges. Without a solid instructional design strategy behind it, the graphics and visuals that make eLearning fun can also make it gimmicky or quickly outdated. Keeping it up-to-date is also a necessary best practice. We cover the major advantages, and disadvantages, of eLearning here.

3. Simulation employee training

Simulation training is most often provided through a computer, augmented, or virtual reality device. Despite the initial costs for producing that software or technology, however, simulation training can be a necessary option for employees in riskier or high-stakes fields. You’ll often see simulation training for pilots or doctors, but it can be useful for other employees too.

This type of employee training is also highly-effective and reliable, allowing employees to progress consistently and at their own pace.

4. Hands-on training

Hands-on training includes any experiential training that’s focused on the individual needs of the employee. It’s conducted directly on the job. Hands-on training can help employees fit perfectly into their upcoming or current role, while enhancing their current skills.

Training Station notes:

“One advantage of hands-on training is that they are applicable immediately to the employees’ jobs. They are also effective for training when it comes to new business equipment and procedures.”

This is a time-intensive method of employee training, however, that’s best used when there are enough resources available to support employees during the program. Learn more about experiential learning here.

5. Coaching or mentoring

Coaching or mentoring can share similar qualities to hands-on training, but in this type of employee training, the focus is on the relationship between an employee and a more experienced professional, such as their supervisor, a coach, or a veteran employee.

The one-on-one mentoring style creates a relationship between employees that carries far beyond training. It also allows the employee to ask questions they may not feel comfortable asking in a classroom, instructor-led training. This training method can be done in person or virtually, through online coaching sessions.

For all its benefits, mentoring is costly in terms of employee hours and should be used appropriately to reduce those associated costs. Coaching—bringing in a trained professional—can sometimes provide a more time-efficient alternative, but without the relationship building that’s so valuable in mentoring.

6. Lecture-style training

Important for getting big chunks of information to a large employee population, lecture-style training can be an invaluable resource for communicating required information quickly.

However, use this type of employee training sparingly. writes:

“It has been said to be the least effective of all training methods. In many cases, lectures contain no form of interaction from the trainer to the trainee and can be quite boring. Studies show that people only retain 20 percent of what they are taught in a lecture.”

7. Group discussions and activities

For the right group of employees, group discussions and activities can provide the perfect training option. It allows multiple employees to train at once, in an environment that better fits their current departments or groups. These discussions and activities can be instructor-led or facilitated by online prompts that are later reviewed by a supervisor.

This type of employee training is best used for challenges that require a collaborative approach to complex issues. Find ideas for training activities here.

8. Role-playing

Similar to group discussions, role-playing specifically asks employees to work through one aspect of their jobs in a controlled scenario. They’ll be asked to consider different points-of-view and think on their feet as they work through the role-playing activity.

Like other group activities, role-playing is highly effective but may be unnecessary for simple, straightforward topics. It also requires more employee time, potentially taking time away from an entire department while they’re going through the training.

9. Management-specific activities

Management-specific activities are just that—employee training that’s focused on the needs of managers. They may include simulations, brainstorming activities, team-building exercises, role-playing, or focused eLearning on management best practices.

While management training can include many different types of training, it’s important to consider the additional needs of your managers separately from the rest of your employee population. This ensures they have the foundation they need to support the rest of their staff.

10. Case studies or other required reading

Finally, some employee training topics are readily accessible through required readings. Case studies, in particular, can provide a quick way for employees to learn about real workplace issues. Employees can read through these at their own pace, or while working in a team-building session with other employees.

Case studies are a great option for focused topics, but more complex topics will likely require more advanced types of employee training.

Learn more about types of training

At EdgePoint Learning, we know that employee training is only effective when it’s engaging. The best way to do that is to start from the beginning and consider the best types of training methods for your workforce, your needs, and your resources. Once you do that, you can create rich learning opportunities that empower and truly engage your employees.

Our eLearning blog covers a number of other resources for you to learn more, including:

  • “How To Train New Employees Effectively”
  • How To Run A Training Needs Analysis
  • How To Keep Track Of Employee Training

From full custom development to comprehensive instructional strategy, our experts at EdgePoint Learning can also help you develop better employee training programs, for a variety of training methods. We specialize in eLearning, as well as innovative training solutions like geofenced mobile training and microlearning.

Since most employees can only dedicate 1% of their workweek to training, it’s time to make those 24 minutes more effective, more engaging, and maybe even a little fun. We’re here for better employee training, and we hope you are too.

Ready to see different types of employee training in action? Check out our library of demos or request a personalized demo today.

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In which training method does the trainer communicate with spoken words which they want trainees to learn?

Require an instructor or facilitator and involve face-to-face interaction between trainees. Trainers communicate through spoken words what they want the trainees to learn. The communication of learned capabilities is primarily one-way- from the trainer to the audience.

What is the off the job training method?

What is off-the-job training? Off-the-job training refers to an education method where employees learn more about their job or the latest advancements in their field at a location away from their workplace. This type of training essentially helps employees perform their job more efficiently.

What are hands on methods of training?

Hands-on training refers to software training that involves a practical element, where the user is able to learn how to use the software by trying out for themselves in a controlled environment.

Which of the following training methods is most frequently used by employers?

37) Which of the following training methods is most frequently used by employers? A) job instruction training B) apprenticeship training C) on-the-job training D) classroom training Answer: C Explanation: C) On-the-job training (OJT) means having a person learn a job by actually doing it.