What is the first step to add sterile item to the field?

Sterile means free from germs. When you care for your catheter or surgery wound, you need to take steps to avoid spreading germs. Some cleaning and care procedures need to be done in a sterile way so that you do not get an infection.

Follow your health care provider's instructions on using sterile technique. Use the information below as a reminder of the steps.

Carefully follow all of the steps below to keep your work area sterile.

You will need:

  • Running water and soap
  • A sterile kit or pad
  • Gloves (sometimes these are in your kit)
  • A clean, dry surface
  • Clean paper towels

Wash your hands well and keep all work surfaces clean and dry at all times. When you handle supplies, touch only the outside wrappers with your bare hands. You may need to wear a mask over your nose and mouth.

Keep your supplies within your reach so you do not drop or rub against them while you go through the steps. If you need to cough or sneeze, turn your head away from your supplies and cover your mouth firmly with the crook of your elbow.

To open a sterile pad or kit:

  • Wash your hands with soap and running water for at least 1 minute. Wash the backs, palms, fingers, thumbs and between your fingers thoroughly. Wash for as long as it takes you to slowly say the alphabet or sing the "Happy Birthday" song, 2 times through. Dry with a clean paper towel.
  • Use the special flap to pull back the paper wrapper of your pad or kit. Open it so that the inside faces away from you.
  • Pinch the other sections on the outside, and pull them back gently. Do not touch the inside. Everything inside the pad or kit is sterile except for the 1-inch (2.5 centimeters) border around it.
  • Throw the wrapper away.

Your gloves may be separate or inside the kit. To get your gloves ready:

  • Wash your hands again the same way you did the first time. Dry with a clean paper towel.
  • If the gloves are in your kit, pinch the glove wrapper to pick it up, and place it on a clean, dry surface next to the pad.
  • If the gloves are in a separate package, open the outer wrapper and place the open package on a clean, dry surface next to the pad.

When putting on your gloves:

  • Put your gloves on carefully.
  • Wash your hands again the same way you did the first time. Dry with a clean paper towel.
  • Open the wrapper so that the gloves are lying out in front of you. But do not touch them.
  • With your writing hand, grab the other glove by the folded wrist cuff.
  • Slide the glove onto your hand. It helps to keep your hand straight and thumb tucked in.
  • Leave the cuff folded. Be careful not to touch the outside of the glove.
  • Pick up the other glove by sliding your fingers into the cuff.
  • Slip the glove over the fingers of this hand. Keep your hand flat and do not let your thumb touch your skin.
  • Both gloves will have a folded-over cuff. Reach under the cuffs and pull back toward your elbow.

Once your gloves are on, do not touch anything except your sterile supplies. If you do touch something else, remove the gloves, wash your hands again, and go through the steps to open and put on a new pair of gloves.

Call your provider if you are having trouble using the sterile technique.

Sterile gloves; Wound care - sterile technique; Catheter care - sterile technique

Smith SF, Duell DJ, Martin BC, Aebersold M, Gonzalez L. Wound care and dressings. In: Smith SF, Duell DJ, Martin BC, Aebersold M, Gonzalez L, eds. Clinical Nursing Skills: Basic to Advanced Skills. 9th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Pearson; 2017:chap 25.

Updated by: David C. Dugdale, III, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of General Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.

Note: The outer 1-inch edge of the sterile margin is not sterile.

FIGURE 18-1 Opening a sterile package. A, Opening the first flap. B and C, Opening the side flaps. D, Pulling the last flap by grasping the corner.

A sterile package may also be opened as follows:

1. Hold the package in one hand with the top flap opening away from the person opening the package.

2. Pull the top flap well back and hold it away from both the contents of the package and the sterile field. Using the free hand to hold the flap against the wrist of the hand holding the package is an effective technique.

3. Drop the contents gently onto the sterile field from approximately 6 inches above the field and at a slight angle.

These techniques help ensure that the package wrapping does not touch the sterile field at any time.

Commercial packages usually have specific directions written on the package for opening. In general, available packages include those with partially sealed corners, in which the container is held in one hand and the flap is pulled back with the other, and those with partially sealed edges, in which both sides of the edge are grasped, one with each hand, and gently pulled apart (Fig. 18-2).

FIGURE 18-2 Opening commercially prepared sterile packs to drop sponges onto a sterile field.

For a sterile field to be established, the drape is plucked with one hand by the corner and opened. This corner is used to fold back the top. Then the drape is lifted out of the cover and allowed to open freely without touching anything. Another corner of the drape then is picked up carefully and laid on a clean, dry surface with the bottom farthest from the person establishing the field (Fig. 18-3).

FIGURE 18-3 Establishing a sterile field. A, Holding the drape with one hand by the corner. B, Folding back the top to lift the cover and laying the drape on a clean, dry surface with the bottom farthest from the person establishing the field.

Adding Sterile Supplies to an Established Sterile Field

Necessary sterile supplies can be added to the field using the proper package-opening techniques. Remember the following:

1. Do not reach across a sterile field.

2. Do not flip or toss objects on the sterile field.

3. A 1-inch border around the sterile field is not con­sidered sterile.

4. Discard the outer wrapper from each sterile item.

5. Repeat this process for adding additional items to the sterile field.

Pouring a Sterile Solution

Sterile solutions are frequently poured into a metal or other container within the sterile field. Bottles containing sterile solutions usually are considered sterile on the inside but contaminated on the outside; thus special care is needed in pouring these solutions.

Begin with verifying the contents and expiration date on the solution. When possible, show the name to another health care person for verification.

Always try to use the exact amount of solution. Once opened, the solution can be considered sterile only if it is used immediately. Once the container has been set down, it is no longer considered sterile and a new container must be opened. The procedure for pouring sterile solutions is as follows:

1. Remove the lid or cap from the bottle; place it on an unsterile surface with the topside down immediately to ensure the sterility of the inner surface.

2. Hold the bottle with the label uppermost so that poured solution cannot stain and obscure the label.

3. Sterile basins into which sterile liquids will be poured are generally placed at the end of the table to avoid splashing over the entire sterile field.

4. With as little of the bottle as possible over the field, hold it at a height of approximately 1 to 2 inches over the bowl (Fig. 18-4). Pour the solution gently so that no splashing occurs. Splashing of liquids can destroy a sterile field by allowing microorganisms to move from the unsterile tabletop through the wet drape that forms the bottom of the sterile field.

FIGURE 18-4 Pouring a sterile solution into a sterile bowl on a sterile field.

5. Close the bottle with the cap if appropriate. Some institutions require marking on the label of the bottle with the date and time that the bottle was opened along with the initials of the person that opened the bottle.

Sterile Packs

Commonly used sterile packs include myelography, minor procedure, and various special procedure packs used for exams such as venograms and angiograms. Items in the typical myelography pack are shown in Fig. 18-5 and often include the following:

Injectable local anesthetic

Syringes and needles of various sizes

Sterile drape

Collection tubes (for spinal fluid)

FIGURE 18-5 A typical myelography pack.

A minor procedure pack, used for arthrography and biopsies (tissue and/or fluid samples), usually contains all of the preceding items, as well as a sterile gown. Although commercially prepared angiography packs are available, many hospitals prefer to make up their own trays. Typical supplies might include the following:

Needles, including three 18-gauge, one 20-gauge, one 22-gauge, and one 25-gauge (the larger-gauge needles are used to inject local anesthetic)

Sterile containers for biopsy specimens

Plastic connector for test injections of contrast material

One manifold (three stopcocks) for the contrast test, heparin drip, or saline flush

Scalpel handle and no. 10 scalpel blade, used for arterial cutdown techniques

Large number of gauze pads or topper sponges

Up to five 10-, 20-, or 30-mL Luer-Lok syringes for saline flush

Three 10-mL Luer-Lok syringes: Two for contrast tests, one for local anesthetic

Forceps for sponges

Six sponges for preparation of the puncture site with anesthetic

Three stainless steel basins—one for saline solution, one for antiseptic, and one used as a waste basin—and one emesis basin

Straight and curved clamps for arterial cutdown techniques

Clamp to keep guidewire wrapped

Surgical Scrubbing

Although persons performing aseptic procedures wear gloves, the skin of their hands and forearms should be cleaned routinely to reduce the number of microorganisms in case a glove tears. A surgical scrub is required before participation in many interventional studies. The purpose of the surgical hand scrub is (1) to remove debris and transient microorganisms from the hands, nails, and forearms; (2) to reduce the resident microbial count to a minimum; and (3) to inhibit rapid rebound growth of microorganisms.

The sterile scrub consists of scrubbing with an antimicrobial agent. Surgical scrubbing involves two basic methods: (1) the numbered stroke method, in which a certain number of brush strokes are used for each finger, the palms, the backs of the hands, and the arms; and (2) the timed scrub. Although exact procedures and times for the scrub vary among different settings and institutions, the following can serve as guidelines for the timed scrub (currently a surgical scrub with 2% chlorhexidine gluconate or 7.5% povidone-iodine is performed before each procedure):

1. Be sure that scrub brushes, antiseptic soap, and nail cleaners are available.

2. Remove all jewelry, including watches.

3. Wash hands and arms with antiseptic soap.

4. Clean subungual areas with nail file.

5. Scrub the sides of each finger, between the fingers, and the back and front of the hand for 3 minutes.

6. Scrub the arm with the hands higher than the elbows. Each side of the arm is washed to 3 inches above the elbow for 1 minute.

7. Repeat the process for the other hand and arm. The hands remain above the elbows at all times.

8. Dry the hands as shown in Fig. 18-6.

FIGURE 18-6 Drying the hands and arms after a surgical scrub. A, Pick up a sterile towel from the table, being careful not to drip water on the gown beneath it. B, Fold the towel lengthwise. C, Use one end of the towel only to dry one hand. D, Rotate the arm as you proceed to dry it, working from the wrist to the elbow. Do not allow the towel to contact the scrub suit. E and F, After the arm is dried, bring the dry hand to the opposite end of the towel and begin drying the other hand. G, Dry the arm using the blotting rotating motion. H, Proceed to the elbow. The towel must be discarded in the linen hamper or kick bucket.

Sterile Gowning and Gloving

Gowns and gloves are put on after the surgical scrub. Gowning can be done in two ways: (1) self-gowning and (2) gowning by another person. Sterile gowning differs from gowning for isolation in that the focus is on surgical rather than medical asepsis. Gloving can also be done in two ways: (1) self-gloving and (2) gloving by another person. A sterile surface is always required for sterile gloving. Gloves have two surfaces: an inside and an outside. Before the gloves are touched, the entire glove is sterile; however, once gloving has started, the inside surface of the cuff is considered nonsterile. Gloves are packaged in a paper wrapper with the palms of the gloves facing upward and the top of the glove folded over to form a 2- to 3-inch cuff. The exposed cuff is part of the inside of the glove and is therefore part of the nonsterile side.

Self-Gowning (Fig. 18-7)

1. Standing approximately 12 inches from the sterile area, pick up the gown by the folded edges and lift it directly up from the package. The gown is folded so that the outside faces away.

2. Stepping back from the table, make sure no objects are near the gown. Holding the gown at the shoulders, allow it to unfold gently. Do not shake the gown.

3. Place the hands inside the armholes and guide each arm through the sleeves by raising and spreading the arms.

4. An unsterile assistant can adjust the gown by standing behind and reaching inside the sleeves, grasping them, and pulling gently.

5. For the open gloving technique, pull the sleeves over the hands. For the closed gloving technique, keep the hands and fingers covered by the sterile gown.

6. An assistant fastens the back and waistband of the gown.

After the gown is on, only the sleeves and front of the gown down to the waist are considered sterile. To maintain sterile technique once in sterile gown and gloves, persons must pass each other back to back.

FIGURE 18-7 Self-gowning. A, Grasp the gown firmly and bring it away from the table. It has been folded so that the outside faces away. B, Holding the gown at the shoulders, allow it to unfold gently. Do not shake the gown. C, Place hands inside the armholes and guide each arm through the sleeves by raising and spreading the arms. Do not allow hands to slide outside cuff of gown. D, The circulator assists by pulling the gown over the shoulders and tying it.


Self-gloving can be done using a closed or an open gloving technique. It is performed after gowning or, in the case of the open gloving technique, may be used during sterile procedures that do not require donning a sterile gown. All jewelry should have been removed. Select the appropriate size and type then check to make sure that the package is intact and dry and no tears or water stains are seen. Hands must be washed and dried before opening and putting on the gloves.

The glove package should be opened facing the person who is going to wear the gloves with the right glove on the right side.

Closed Technique (Fig. 18-8)

1. After donning a sterile gown with the fingers still inside the cuff of the gown, pick up the glove and lay it palm-down over the cuff of the gown. The fingers of the glove should face toward you.

2. Working through the gown sleeve, grasp the cuff of the glove and bring it over the open cuff of the sleeve.

3. Unroll the glove cuff so that it covers the sleeve cuff.

4. Pull the glove on by grasping the glove cuff and advancing the hand into the glove.

5. Proceed with the opposite hand, using the same technique. Never allow the bare hand to contact the gown cuff edge or outside of glove.

6. The fingers are adjusted until comfortable.

FIGURE 18-8 Self-gloving, closed technique. A, Lay the glove palm-down over the cuff of the gown. The fingers of the glove face toward you. B and C, Working through the gown sleeve, grasp the cuff of the glove and bring it over the open cuff of the sleeve. D and E, Unroll the glove cuff so that it covers the sleeve cuff. F through I, Proceed with the opposite hand, using the same technique. Never allow the bare hand to contact the gown cuff edge or outside of glove.

Open Technique (Fig. 18-9)

1. Pick up the glove by its inside cuff with one hand. Do not touch the outside surface of the glove or the glove wrapper.

2. Slide the glove onto the opposite bare hand, leaving the cuff down.

3. With the gloved (and now sterile) hand, pick up the other glove by reaching under the cuff. Touch only the outside surface of the glove with the sterile gloved hand.

4. The glove is then pulled onto the hand without touching the inside surface of the glove, which is actually the outside surface of the folded cuff.

5. Interlock your hands and remember to keep them at or above waist level.

FIGURE 18-9 Self-gloving, open technique. A, Pick up the glove by its inside cuff with one hand. Do not touch the glove wrapper with the bare hand. B, Slide the glove onto the opposite hand. Leave the cuff down. C, Using the partially gloved hand, slide the fingers into the outer side of the opposite glove cuff. D, Slide the hand into the glove and unroll the cuff. E, With the gloved hand, slide the fingers under the outer edge of the opposite cuff and unroll it gently, using the same technique.

Removal of Your Gloves

1. At the completion of the procedure, grasp the cuff of one glove and pull it inside out and place it in the gloved hand.

2. Now reach inside the cuff of the gloved hand and pull the glove inside out and over the glove that you are holding and discard.

3. Wash and dry hands.

Gowning Another Person (Fig. 18-10)

1. The sterile person picks up the gown by the neckband, holds it at arm’s length, and allows it to unfold.

2. The gown is held by the shoulder seams with the outside facing the sterile person.

3. The sterile gloves are protected by placing both hands under the back panel of the gown’s shoulder.

4. The arms are slipped into the sleeves in a downward motion, sliding the gown up to the mid-upper arms.

5. A nonsterile circulator pulls the gown up and fastens the back and waistband of the gown.

6. Gently pull the cuff back over the person’s hands, being careful that your gloved hands do not touch the bare hands.

FIGURE 18-10 Gowning another person. A, Grasp the gown so that the outside faces toward you. Holding the gown at the shoulders, cuff your hands under the gown’s shoulders. B, The person steps forward and places his or her arms in the sleeves. Slide the gown up to the mid-upper arms. C, The circulator assists in pulling the gown up and tying it. D, Gently pull the cuffs back over the person’s hands. Be careful that your gloved hands do not touch his or her bare hands.

Gloving Another Person (Fig. 18-11)

1. The sterile person opens the package, picks up the right glove, and places the palm away from himself or herself. Slide the fingers under the glove cuff and spread them so that a wide opening is created. Keep the thumbs under the cuff.

2. The person thrusts his or her hand into the glove. Having an extremely good grasp on the cuff is important because considerable force is exerted when the hand is pushed down into the tight glove.

3. Gently release the cuff while rolling it over the wrist.

4. Proceed with the left glove using the same technique.

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What are the steps to create a sterile field?

Create a sterile field by opening the sterile drapes or towels in the same manner as a double-wrapped sterile package. The inside of the sterile drapes or towels form the sterile field. CAUTION: Do not contaminate sterile field by reaching over or across it.

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