Broadcast calendar 2024

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What is a broadcast month?

broadcast month means each period commencing with the Monday following the last Sunday of a calendar month and ending with the last Sunday of the following calendar month. Sample 1.

What is broadcast year?

Broadcast Year means each twelve-month period beginning on 1 September in any year. Sample 1. Broadcast Year means the 12-month period beginning in September of each year in which Network Programs are premiered by CBS.

What is broadcast year?

Broadcast Year means each twelve-month period beginning on 1 September in any year. Sample 1. Broadcast Year means the 12-month period beginning in September of each year in which Network Programs are premiered by CBS.

What is a broadcast month?

broadcast month means each period commencing with the Monday following the last Sunday of a calendar month and ending with the last Sunday of the following calendar month. Sample 1.