Sau complete là gì

Có rất nhiều động từ theo sau làto-V hoặc V-ing hoặc tân ngữ và to-V hoặc tân ngữ và V (nguyên mẫu).

Ví dụ:
wait (theo sau là to-V) .. we are waiting to go.
avoid (theo sau là V-ing) she avoided meeting him again.
forbid (theo sau là tân ngữ và to V) . they forbid him to leave.

Thầy có cách nào ngoài việc học thuộc lòng tất cả những động từ đó mà vẫn xác định chính xác nên dùng thế nào cho đúng không ạ?

A. COMPLETE => hoàn tất/hoàn thành toàn bộ công việc, toàn bộ công trình, toàn bộ một tiến trình...

1. COMPLETE (adj.): if something such as a job or process is complete, it is finished =

Sth + be + complete

When the chart is complete, stick it on the wall.

A similar project for the Stirling area is almost complete.

Work on the office building will be complete at the end of the year.

Sun, sand, and romance - her holiday was complete.

The job is almost complete.

You've made my life complete. (process)

2. COMPLETE (verb): to finish doing something (such as a job or process) =

Sb + complete ... (active)

Sth + be + completed ... (passive)

She has just completed a master's degree in Law.

He's just completed filming his 17th feature film.

She will complete her studies in France.

I've fully completed my training.

The work was completed in March.

The project should be completed within a year.

The project has now been successfully completed.

Arrangements for the trip have now been completed.

B. FINISH => hoàn tất/hoàn thành phần việc đang làm

1. FINISHED (adj.): Sb/Sth + be + finished

a. Sth that is finished has been completed.

=> Một cái gì đó được hoàn tất/hoàn thành.

We can move in as soon as building work is finished.

None of the paintings looked finished to me.

Their marriage was finished.

b. if you are finished, you have completed the job that you were doing, you are no longer using sth or dealing with sb/sth:

=> Bạn hoàn tất công việc/phần việc đang làm, không còn dùng vật gì hoặc không còn giải quyết/xử lý ai/sự việc gì nữa

I'll be finished in a minute.

I won't be finished for another hour.

I'm not finished with you yet.

Are you finished with that drill?

c. if you are finished, you are no longer powerful, effective or able to continue (for example because you do not have any money or because people no longer trust you)

=>Bạn không còn quyền lực, ảnh hưởng hay khả năng tiếp tục nữa (vd vì bạn không còn tiền hay vì người ta không còn tin tưởng bạn nữa).

Once the scandal breaks, he'll be finished as a politician.

If the newspapers find out, he's finished in politics.

This financial crisis means that the government's economic policy is finished.

2. FINISH (verb):

a. to do the last part of something so that it is complete: làm phần cuối của cái gì để cho nó (cái đó) hoàn tất

Sb/Sth + finish

She finished law school last year.

I'll just finish the chapter then I'll come.

Be quiet! He hasn't finished speaking.

'And that was all,' she finished. (a speech)

I've nearly finished my work.

I wish you'd let me finish my sentence!

She had just finished dressing the children when the phone rang.

b. to stop happening; to come to an end; to bring something to an end:

=> kết thúc, đến hồi kết thúc.

The play finished at 10.30.

A cup of coffee finished the meal perfectly.

Lessons finish at midday.

The game finished with the score at 11.

C. DONE (adj.): hoàn tất/hoàn thành phần việc đang làm

a. If you are done sth, you have finished doing sth or using sth ( = B. 2b.)

I'm nearly done.

As soon as I've done I'm going home.

When you're done, perhaps I can say something.

The painting is almost done - I just have one corner of the kitchen left.

done with: Are you done with that pen?

If you've done with that magazine, can I have a look at it?

Are you done with those scissors yet?

mainly us I'm all done with the vacuuming. Is there anything else I can do?

b. If a job is done, it has been finished:

That's the first lot done.

The beds are done (=they have been made tidy).

c. If sth is done, it has been cooked long enough to be eaten:

The meat isn't quite done yet.

'The pork roast was done to a turn. (done to a turn: vừa chín tới)

Lưu ý:

1. 'DONE can have a less absolute meaning, as if to say: "I am done for now." or "I am done with this part, but I am not finished with the whole thing."

"DONE" có thể có nghĩa "không được hoàn toàn, không được tuyệt đối" như khi nói:

"I am done for now."

Có nghĩa => "I am done with this part, but I am not finished with the whole thing."

2. 'DONE also has the meaning of something be over, as in quitting something. So if a person says, "I am done with playing music." he likely means that he is not intending to ever play it again, because he has given up on it.

"DONE" cũng có nghĩa của một sự việc gì đó đã qua đã kết thúc, do từ bỏ nó. Vì vậy nếu một người nói:

"I am done with playing music."

=> Anh ấy muốn nói là không có dự định chơi nhạc nữa, vì anh ấy đã từ bỏ nó.

3. 'DONE" gives the feeling that something is not completed well. If a person feels they have not successfully completed a task, they will generally say, "I am done" rather than "I am finished."

"DONE" cho cảm giác rằng một sự việc gì đó không kết thúc tốt đẹp, Nếu một người cảm thấy là họ không hoàn thành một nhiệm vụ một cách thành công, nói chung là họ sẽ nói "I'm done" hơn là nói "I'm finished".

He is done, after three falls there is no chance he will be able to finish.

Anh ta "xong rồi", sau ba lần ngã thì không có cơ hội để anh ta có thể về đích được.

4. "DONE for" means to be in a very bad situation; to be certain to fail; to be very tired

"DONE for" có nghĩa là đang ở trong một tình huống/hoàn cảnh xấu; chắc chắn là bị thất bại; rất mệt mỏi

Unless we start making some sales, we're done for.

When he pointed the gun at me, I thought I was done for (= about to die).

We all thought we were done for when the boat started to sink.

I'm really done for - I'm going to bed.

5. "DONE!" (Exclamation): said to show that you accept someone's offer or that you agree to something:

"DONE" (cảm thán) được dùng để nói rằng bạn chấp nhận một đề nghị của ai hay đồng ý về một điều gì.

'Let's say £75.' 'Done!'

I'll give you £800 for it.' 'Done!'

"I'll give you 20 quid for all five of them." "Done!"

''I'll give ten to one he misses by a mile!' called Reilly. 'Done!', said the conductor'