skanger là gì - Nghĩa của từ skanger

skanger có nghĩa là

The Skanger: these creatures numbers are growing at quite an alarming rate due to their frenetic breeding, they are most likely recognised by shabby reebok and or addidas gear or if their really moving up in the criminal world,nike. They can also be recognised by their unusual birdlike walk which usually involves them moving their head back and forth much akin to a pigeon on speed.
Can be heard to say if in their immediate "pack" or "herd" of freinds "waaaaats tha storeeeeeeeee" or if a passer by- "Give us your mobile or I'll fuckin knife ya ya fuckin mupa!"
mating call:"Here Get out yar dick will yas!!!"

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"Oh Darling look at that awful character he is defecating on that BMW ! "

skanger có nghĩa là

People living in towns who were previously called "rough". Although located in urban areas throughout Ireland, most came from Dublin or were converted into a skanger by their Dublin friends or family. If involved in a conversation with non-skangers, it was most likely started by them, with something along the lines of "Here lad, ya got a lii? I beh I caaan seh yar hair on fyerrr", which translated into English means "Person in front of me I'm not acquainted with, have you got a cigarette lighter? I reckon I could set your hair on fire." Conversations amongst themselves usually begin with "waaaats de staaaaaree" (i.e. what's the story, i.e. how are things) before engaging in saying "staaaary" one after the other for awhile. Popular meeting points include doorways or other entrances/exits to passageways where only one entrance/exit exists.
While regarded by most as a serious social problem, it's unlikely the dreams of sending them all on a plane which may or may not land somewhere else will ever be reached given the lack of attention the issue is given because it's not "politically correct". Then again, neither is their behaviour but that doesn't stop them...

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"Oh Darling look at that awful character he is defecating on that BMW ! " People living in towns who were previously called "rough". Although located in urban areas throughout Ireland, most came from Dublin or were converted into a skanger by their Dublin friends or family. If involved in a conversation with non-skangers, it was most likely started by them, with something along the lines of "Here lad, ya got a lii? I beh I caaan seh yar hair on fyerrr", which translated into English means "Person in front of me I'm not acquainted with, have you got a cigarette lighter? I reckon I could set your hair on fire." Conversations amongst themselves usually begin with "waaaats de staaaaaree" (i.e. what's the story, i.e. how are things) before engaging in saying "staaaary" one after the other for awhile. Popular meeting points include doorways or other entrances/exits to passageways where only one entrance/exit exists.

skanger có nghĩa là

While regarded by most as a serious social problem, it's unlikely the dreams of sending them all on a plane which may or may not land somewhere else will ever be reached given the lack of attention the issue is given because it's not "politically correct". Then again, neither is their behaviour but that doesn't stop them...

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"Oh Darling look at that awful character he is defecating on that BMW ! "

skanger có nghĩa là

People living in towns who were previously called "rough". Although located in urban areas throughout Ireland, most came from Dublin or were converted into a skanger by their Dublin friends or family. If involved in a conversation with non-skangers, it was most likely started by them, with something along the lines of "Here lad, ya got a lii? I beh I caaan seh yar hair on fyerrr", which translated into English means "Person in front of me I'm not acquainted with, have you got a cigarette lighter? I reckon I could set your hair on fire." Conversations amongst themselves usually begin with "waaaats de staaaaaree" (i.e. what's the story, i.e. how are things) before engaging in saying "staaaary" one after the other for awhile. Popular meeting points include doorways or other entrances/exits to passageways where only one entrance/exit exists.

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"Oh Darling look at that awful character he is defecating on that BMW ! "

skanger có nghĩa là

People living in towns who were previously called "rough". Although located in urban areas throughout Ireland, most came from Dublin or were converted into a skanger by their Dublin friends or family. If involved in a conversation with non-skangers, it was most likely started by them, with something along the lines of "Here lad, ya got a lii? I beh I caaan seh yar hair on fyerrr", which translated into English means "Person in front of me I'm not acquainted with, have you got a cigarette lighter? I reckon I could set your hair on fire." Conversations amongst themselves usually begin with "waaaats de staaaaaree" (i.e. what's the story, i.e. how are things) before engaging in saying "staaaary" one after the other for awhile. Popular meeting points include doorways or other entrances/exits to passageways where only one entrance/exit exists.

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While regarded by most as a serious social problem, it's unlikely the dreams of sending them all on a plane which may or may not land somewhere else will ever be reached given the lack of attention the issue is given because it's not "politically correct". Then again, neither is their behaviour but that doesn't stop them...

skanger có nghĩa là

Please forgive spelling mistakes above - I'm not fluent in their language and I'm proud of it!
eeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dublin type, reebok/nike fantics, dance music to pick fights with "rockers" typical phrases 'storeeeee bud' 'yer ma' 'I'll knife ya, you and yer fuckin sad-ass mates' generally not the sharpest knives in the block, the girls usually have blonde hair, and large gold hooped earrings, and after the age of 15, a child or a buggy Tara Dunne type person, yeah her...GRRR and anyone who is incapable of doing things outside of "the group", think they are the 'in crowd'

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Track-suited baseball-cap wearing intellectually challenged knacker (usually from Dublin) who thinks he's a hard man. Usually hang around in groups of 4 or more on street corners at 2am. tom-thebox from An Irish slang word to describe a specific group of people. Scarily, the connotations associated with describing someone as a skanger are almost identical to those associated with describing someone as a charva in Britain, despite the fact that these words refer to completely different groups of people in different countries. In Ireland, they're called skangers, in Britain, charvas. from ireland, mainly Dublin.
shouts stuff like, " ere will ye meet me mate??"
basically chavs but from Dublin.

randomer: who ARE you??

skanger có nghĩa là

Dublin's version of a townie. Loud, rude and obnoxious people, usually the type to start a fight with a "rocker" or at least give them a hard time. Overall not nice person.

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skanger có nghĩa là


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skanger: ah see tha burd over there, will u meet hur??

skanger có nghĩa là

An Irish version of a chav.

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Other skanger: eh YER shes a bleedin lash.

skanger có nghĩa là

some wastguy nobody likes

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Dublin's version of a townie. Loud, rude and obnoxious people, usually the type to start a fight with a "rocker" or at least give them a hard time. Overall not nice person. A person who listens to hardhouse music and wears tracksuits, hoodys (sometimes a hat) and sport a flat spikey haircut, well its kinda hard to explain. They wear striped shirts, jeans and a load of chains for discos (mostly teenage.) Usually from kipholes like Dublin and in local towns eg. Carrickmacross, Ardee, Dundalk. Usually talk like this "well wats the craic" or "wats da story??"