Which command line tool can you use to query Azure SQL?

Which command-line tool can you use to query Azure SQL databases?
A. sqlcmd
B. bcp
C. azdata
D. Azure CLI

Correct Answer: D
Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-sql/database/az-cli-script-samples-content-guide?tabs=single-database

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Which command line tool can you use to query Azure SQL?

Which command line tool can you use to query Azure SQL?

Which command

Which command-line tool can you use to query Azure SQL databases? The sqlcmd utility lets you enter Transact-SQL statements, system procedures, and script files at the command prompt.

How to connect to Azure SQL Database from command

To get started with [sqlcmd][sqlcmd], open the command prompt and enter sqlcmd followed by the connection string for your dedicated SQL pool. The connection string requires the following parameters: Server (-S): Server in the form < Server Name > . database.windows.net.

Which tool is used to run SQL queries?

Command-line tools mssql-cli is an interactive command-line tool for querying SQL Server. Also, query SQL Server with a command-line tool that features IntelliSense, syntax high-lighting, and more. mssql-conf configures SQL Server running on Linux.

Which tools can be used to connect to Azure SQL Database?

Connecting to an Azure SQL Database with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) By far the most robust tool for managing a SQL Database server is SSMS.