In a rash là gì

Từ: rash


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    (y học) chứng phát ban

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    hấp tấp, vội vàng

  • ẩu, liều, liều lĩnh, bừa bãi; cẩu thả, thiếu suy nghĩ

    a rash promise

    lời hứa liều

    Từ gần giống

    crash trash crash-helmet trashy thrashing-floor

Photo by Kate Kalvach

“All over like (one) a rash” có rash là đột ngột lan rộng, nổi phát ban -> cụm từ này nghĩa là tiếp cận/gần gũi ai như muốn quyến rũ hoặc tán tỉnh.

Ví dụ

‘If Kyrgios is too passive in rallies – as he has a tendancy to be – and just flicking the ball around, Nadal will be all over him like a rash, he’ll wear him out.

Opening up to her speech coach, she is extraordinarily candid (vô tư, bộc trực) about her husband’s affair with Camilla Parker Bowles, her struggles within the Royal Family and her battle with bulimia. Yet Diana also shows her playful side and giggles when sharing intimate details of her courtship with Charles, telling how he was all over her “like a rash” at a party and “leapt” on her for a kiss. The controversial tapes will be played for the first time in the UK in a Channel 4documentary marking 20 years since Diana’s death.

The pair tied the knot (kết hôn) in Vegas, and it looks as though Charlie will not be giving up her man without a fight. However, despite coming across all feisty (hăng hái, hăm hở), Sian assured viewers that the new character isn’t as bad as she might seem. ‘She’s a nice girl and she is an air hostess, as she travels around the world, so she has used having a husband to the people who might be after her,’ the star explained. ‘So when Tim chases her and finds her she is so excited, no one has done that before. He’s all over her like a rash, why wouldn’t she be all over him?’

Ka Tina

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