Semity là gì


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Suggestions: semitic semites

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

I am semity, that's the point.

Yo soy semita. De eso se trata.

But that's way you accelerated in way of the big semity, comming at us, which should be in about 25 seconds, I figure.

But that's way you accelerated in way of the big semity, comming at us, which should be in about 25 seconds, I figure.

Mientras aceleras, aparecerá un camión... lo cual sucederá dentro de 25 segundos... y morirás y te irás al otro mundo...

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He wrote to Lady Crewe, "We hate equally anti-semites and philo-semites."

John Cornwell also depicted the Pope as an anti-Semite.

John Cornwell también presentó al papa como un antisemita.

Even though Salgado himself was never an anti-semite, many of the party members adopted anti-semitic views.

Aunque Salgado no se consideraba anti-semita, muchos de sus miembros, así como el mismo partido integralista, se dividieron acerca de este tema.

Cranston played an anti-Semite with a terminal illness who took series co-protagonist Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) hostage.

En el episodio, Cranston personificó a un antisemita que padece de una enfermedad terminal y que toma como rehén a Fox Mulder, coprotagonista de la serie.

These Semites are a superstitious lot, my lord.

Estos semitas son muy supersticiosos, mi señor.

Yet this Semite know exactly where to find me.

Sin embargo, este semita sabe exactamente dónde encontrarme.

It provides conceptual shelter for anti-Semites.

Says the topsessnti-semite with the filthy house.

Of course I'm not an anti-Semite.

He thought that would implicitly support the anti-Semites.

Pensaba que eso sería apoyar implícitamente a los antisemitas.

Th-There's no proof, just the word of this Semite.

No hay pruebas, solo la palabra de este semita.

They're going to be in power soon, those... anti-Semites.

Van a estar pronto en el poder, estos... antisemitas.

I started by saying you were a hardcore anti-Semite...

Turner's obviously a racist, and he's probably an anti-Semite...

Turner obviamente es racista, y probablemente antisemita...

But I'm not one of those sorts of people. Anti-Semites.

The girl was genetically a Semite.

La chica era genéticamente una semita.

However, it should be indicated that the manifestations referred to concerned groups other than Semites.

No obstante, habría que indicar que las manifestaciones de que se trata afectan a grupos distintos que los semitas.

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