Topological data Analysis tutorial


Topological data analysis (TDA) allows to reduce many hypothesis when doing statistics. A lot of research in this field has been done over the last years and [1] and [4] provide a brilliant exposition about the mathematical concepts behind TDA. Here, I want to focus on one aspect of TDA: compressed representations of shapes.

A simple topological data analysis pipeline

We will focus on the article [2] in the references. It allows to have an idea of the shape of the data. More precisely, we will go through the various steps that enabled the authors of [2] to produce the following figure:

Topological data Analysis tutorial

Fig. 1: The pipeline

Overall pipeline

The authors go through the following steps to represent the new shape:

A) A 3D object (hand) represented as a point cloud.

B) A filter value is applied to the point cloud and the object is now colored by the values of the filter function.

C) The data set is binned into overlapping groups.

D) Each bin is clustered and a network is built.

Therefore, we will need a filter function, a method to cluster a point cloud (the clusterer), N intervals and an overlap parameter. Lets summarize this in the following class.

class TDAPipeline(): def __init__(self, filter_function, clusterer, n, overlap): self._filter_function = filter_function self._clusterer = clusterer self._n = n self._overlap = overlap # (string, int list) dict self._clusters = [] # string list self._clusters_names = [] # (string, string) list self._edges = []

We are now ready to dig in the other concepts.

The filters

Filter functions allows to associate real valued quantities to the data points. It can be the coordinates of a point on any axis, or the coordinates of the points on the first component of a PCA.

class AxisFilter(): def __init__(self, i): self._i = i def Fit(self, data): pass def Filter(self, data): return data[:,self._i]

An interesting discovery in this article is the concept of L-infinity centrality. This filter allows to associate to a point a real number qualifying how close it is to the boundary of the cloud.

L-infinity centrality, is defined for a data point x to be the maximum distance from x to any other data point in the set. Large values of this function correspond to points that are far from the center of the data set.

import numpy as np from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform class LinfinityCentrality(): def __init__(self, distance): self._distance = distance def Fit(self, data): # Barnes Hut approx. or something similar may speed up the filtering part later pass def Filter(self, data): pairwise_dist = squareform(pdist(data, self._distance)) return np.amax(pairwise_dist, axis = 1)

The clustering

Once the points have been associated to an interval in the image of the filter function, they have to be clustered. The authors use the following method:

We first construct the single linkage dendrogram for the data in the bin, and record the threshold values for each transition in the clustering. We select an integer k, and build a k-interval histogram of these transition values. The lustering is performed using the last threshold before the first gap in this histogram.

Which can be implemented taking advantage of the implementation of the single linkage proposed in scipy.

import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster, linkage class SingleLinkageClusterer(): def __init__(self, k): self._k = k def Cluster(self, data): if data.shape[0] == 0: return [] linkage_matrix = linkage(data) counts, thresholds = np.histogram(linkage_matrix[:, 2], bins=self._k) first_gap_index = self._first_zero(counts, -1) if(first_gap_index > -0.5): threshold = thresholds[first_gap_index] else: threshold = linkage_matrix[-1, 2] clusters = fcluster(linkage_matrix, t=threshold, criterion='distance') return clusters def _first_zero(self, arr, invalid_val=-1): mask = arr == 0 return np.where(mask.any(), mask.argmax(), invalid_val)

Some classical shapes

We now have what we need to follow the pipeline of the author. Lets just sample some points from various shapes with the following classes:

class Sampler(): def __init__(self): raise NotImplemented() def Sample(self, n): raise NotImplemented()

It is quite easy to sample points uniformly over a sphere (up to numerical precision issues) by sampling an distribution over R^3 which is rotation invariant (here, three independant gaussian with same mean and variance) and normalize it.

import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize from Sampler import Sampler class SphereSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, r=1): self._r = r ''' Uniform sampling over the sphere. ''' def Sample(self, n): mat = np.random.randn(n, 3) return self._r * normalize(mat, axis=1, norm='l2')

I could not find a uniform distribution over the torus, but this should be uniform enough.

import numpy as np from Sampler import Sampler class TorusSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, r=1, R=3, x0=0, y0=0, z0=0): self._r = r self._R = R self._x0 = x0 self._y0 = y0 self._z0 = z0 ''' This sampling may not be uniform ''' def Sample(self, n): u = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(n) v = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(n) cosu = np.cos(u) sinu = np.sin(u) cosv = np.cos(v) sinv = np.sin(v) x = self._x0 + (self._R + self._r * cosu) * cosv y = self._y0 + (self._R + self._r * cosu) * sinv z = self._z0 + self._r * sinu return np.array([x, y, z]).T


Following the method of the authors

We are now ready to implement the full pipeline and produce sensible graphs.

import numpy as np class TDAPipeline(): def __init__(self, filter_function, clusterer, n, overlap): self._filter_function = filter_function self._clusterer = clusterer self._n = n self._overlap = overlap # (string, int list) dict self._clusters = [] # string list self._clusters_names = [] # (string, string) list self._edges = [] def Run(self, data): self._filter_function.Fit(data) # one dimensional array : f(data), f : R^n -> R filtered_data = self._filter_function.Filter(data) lb = np.min(filtered_data) ub = np.max(filtered_data) overlapping_intervals = self._generate_overlapping_intervals( lb, ub, self._n, self._overlap) # f^-1([a,b]) for [a,b] in the overlapping intervals sliced_clusters = [] i = 0 for interval in overlapping_intervals: in_interval = map(lambda x: self._between_pair( x, interval), filtered_data) indices = np.where(in_interval)[0] filtered_points = data[indices, :] clusters = self._clusterer.Cluster(filtered_points) points_by_cluster = self._to_dict_list( str(i) + "_", indices, clusters) sliced_clusters.append(points_by_cluster) i = i + 1 self._clusters = self._flatten_dict_list(sliced_clusters) self._clusters_names = self._clusters.keys() self._edges = self._build_edges(sliced_clusters) return self._edges def ClusterAverage(self, target): if len(self._clusters) == 0: raise "The algorithm has not been trained!" indices_dict = self._clusters return [np.mean(target[indices_dict[n]]) for n in self._clusters_names] def _build_edges(self, sliced_clusters): edges = [] for sets_prev in sliced_clusters: for sets_new in sliced_clusters: for prev_key in sets_prev.keys(): for new_key in sets_new.keys(): if not set(sets_new[new_key]).isdisjoint(set(sets_prev[prev_key])): edges.append((prev_key, new_key)) return edges def _flatten_dict_list(self, dict_list): res = {} for dicts in dict_list: res.update(dicts) return res def _to_dict_list(self, prefix, vector, clusters): cluster_names = np.unique(clusters) res = {} for cluster_name in cluster_names: indices_in_cluster = map(lambda x: cluster_name == x, clusters) points_in_cluster = vector[np.where(indices_in_cluster)[0]] res.update({prefix + str(cluster_name): points_in_cluster}) return res def _generate_overlapping_intervals(self, lb, ub, n, overlap): step = 1. * (ub - lb) / n res = [(lb + i * step - overlap * step, lb + (i + 1) * step + overlap * step) for i in range(n)] return res def _between_pair(self, x, pair): a, b = pair return x > a and x < b


Did it work :) ? I found a hand data set Free realistic hand here, it required a little bit of parsing to put it in a 3d file.

Topological data Analysis tutorial

Fig. 2: The pipeline, data : hand, filter : PCA, clustering : single linkage

Unfortunately the sampling around the wrist is not high enough and the wrist is associated to the two blue dots, separated from the rest of the figure., but we do recognize the four fingers(in red) well separated from the thumb (in green).

But we can generate synthetic data to get rid of this sampling issue. Per example, with a torus:

Topological data Analysis tutorial

Fig. 3: A torus, filter : first component, clustering : single linkage

Or two touching tori:

Topological data Analysis tutorial

Fig. 4: Two tori, filter : first component, clustering : single linkage
import numpy as np from AxisFilter import AxisFilter from PCAFilter import PCAFilter from LinfinityCentrality import LinfinityCentrality from SingleLinkageClusterer import SingleLinkageClusterer from TesseractSampler import TesseractSampler from TorusSampler import TorusSampler from SphereSampler import SphereSampler from TDAPipeline import TDAPipeline from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import graphviz_layout def plot_tda_pipeline(title, sample, filter_function, clusterer, N, OVERLAP): tdap = TDAPipeline(filter_function, clusterer, N, OVERLAP) edges = tdap.Run(sample) colors = filter_function.Filter(sample) cluster_colors = tdap.ClusterAverage(colors) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211, projection='3d') x = sample[:, 0] y = sample[:, 1] z = sample[:, 2] ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=colors, marker='o') ax.set_xlabel('X Label') ax.set_ylabel('Y Label') ax.set_zlabel('Z Label') plt.title(title) fig.add_subplot(212) G = nx.OrderedGraph() # withouth OrderedGraph, the nodes may be shuffled (and the colors would not match) G.add_nodes_from(tdap._clusters_names) G.add_edges_from(edges) pos = graphviz_layout(G) nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels = True) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_color = cluster_colors) plt.savefig(title) N = 10 OVERLAP = 0.2 SAMPLE_SIZE = 2000 K = 5 named_samples = [("Torus", TorusSampler(1, 3).Sample(SAMPLE_SIZE)), ("Tesseract", TesseractSampler().Sample(SAMPLE_SIZE)), ("Two Spheres", np.vstack((SphereSampler().Sample(SAMPLE_SIZE), SphereSampler(3).Sample(SAMPLE_SIZE)))), ("Two touching tori", np.vstack((TorusSampler(1, 3).Sample(SAMPLE_SIZE), TorusSampler(1, 3, 6, 0, 0).Sample(SAMPLE_SIZE)))), ("Hand", np.loadtxt("./Hand.csv", delimiter=","))] named_filters = [("Axis filter (x)", AxisFilter(0)), ("PCA", PCAFilter()), ("L-Linfinity Centrality", LinfinityCentrality('euclidean'))] for named_filter in named_filters: name_filter, filter_function = named_filter for named_sample in named_samples: name_data, sample = named_sample title = "Data : " + name_data + ", " + "Filter : " + name_filter plot_tda_pipeline(title, sample, filter_function, SingleLinkageClusterer(K), N, OVERLAP)



  • Computational Topology: An Introduction by Herbert Edelsbrunner and John L. Harer
  • Topological Data Analysis for Scientific Visualization (Mathematics and Visualization) by Julien Tierny
  • Topology for Computing by Afra J. Zomorodian
  • The elements of statistical learning by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman


[1]F. Chazal and B. Michel, An introduction to Topological Data Analysis: fundamental and practical aspects for data scientists, arXiv:1710.04019 [cs, math, stat], Oct. 2017.

[2]P. Y. Lum et al., Extracting insights from the shape of complex data using topology, Scientific Reports, vol. 3, no. 1, Dec. 2013.

[3]B. Zieliński, M. Lipiński, M. Juda, M. Zeppelzauer, and P. Dłotko, Persistence Bag-of-Words for Topological Data Analysis, arXiv:1812.09245 [cs, math, stat], Dec. 2018.

[4]A. Zomorodian, Topological Data Analysis, p. 39.

[5]J. Mathews, S. Nadeem, M. Pouryahya, A. Tannenbaum, and J. O. Deasy, Topological Data Analysis of PAM50 and 21-Gene Breast Cancer Assays:, bioRxiv, Nov. 2018.

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